Eden Medical

Pennine Healthcare is one of the UK’s leading privately owned manufacturer of single use, sterile medical devices and Custom Procedure Packs.

Their vision is to be a world-class UK manufacturer of healthcare products, serving global markets through exceptional customer service, innovation and continual improvement.


Aspiration Curettes

Rigid, clear, plastic curettes for uterine aspiration. They are sterile, double wrapped and come in individual peel pouches. They have moulded markings for size and correct tip orientation and come in seven sizes 7-14mm in either curved or straight designs.

Karman Curettes

Clear, flexible curettes for uterine aspiration, and they are available on four sizes ranging from 6– 12mm. They are sterile, double wrapped and come in individual peel pouches.

Collection Sets

Special wide bore tubing, thick walled, high vacuum PVC tubing - 15mm O.D, 10mm I.D. attached to Pennine rotary (swivel) handle providing easy vacuum control and good techniques. Easily connects to Aspiration and Karmen curettes, made from high density polythene and contains leak proof seals.