Eden Medical

For over 40 years Timesco have been servicing medical professionals with the highest quality, innovative products for surgery, anaesthesia, podiatry, emergency and diagnostics.

Timesco also supply a range of products for the primary care market.


Callisto Laryngoscope Blades

Offering an extensive range of single use Callisto Macintosh laryngoscope blades from size 0 to size 4 all with exceptional specifications including; a rigid metal spatula, secure fitting and no touch hook to reduce the risk of cross infection.

Easy Bright Handles and Blades

The Easy Bright sets offer a conventional/standard light ISO 7376 single use laryngoscope that is cost effective, compact and lightweight (the handle weighs only 4 grams – including batteries).

Magill forceps

The Magill forceps is a right-handed instrument. It is angled in two planes which allows for it to be used in the oro- and hypoharynx under direct vision during laryngoscopy.

Endotracheal Tubes

Available in cuffed and uncuffed versions and in sizes 3.0-10.0 with the option of being reinforced.

Single-use reduces the risk of contamination and calibrated to give an accurate indication of depth.